"D'you know, I put so much petrol in me car the other day, I couldn't get in!" - Vic Reeves
I've been in Rothera for about ten days now, getting to grips with daily routine, doing essential training and observing some fantastic scenery and wildlife. I saw my first penguin the other day. It was an Emperor, which is apparently quite rare in these parts. It stayed for hours in the same place, stood up at some times, then belly flopping down into its tobogganing position. I suppose I'll get blasé about all this one day, but I hope it's not too soon.
I am finding it a bit hard to concentrate at the moment. I received some bad news from back home, which I would be remiss not to mention. One of my oldest and dearest friends, Karl Jones, passed away two days ago. We grew up together, went to school together, and when I first moved away from home, we shared a house together. This news is quite cutting, and despite the grief, I agree with the people who tell me to concentrate on all the happy memories we shared together. Like him being the first person to use the words "Obi Wan Kenobi" in my presence when we were kids, so anyone who gets tired of my Star Wars obsession knows where it comes from. Or the times we spent playing Goonies 2 on Nintendo, and I just couldn't work out how to flick that yo-yo. Or more recently, the time we went and
pestered for our photo to be taken with some guy in the pub who bore an uncanny resemblance to Rick Parfitt. There were a lot more, but boys will be boys and some tales are best kept between few people!!! I appreciate the fact that grieving is a personal thing, and some people may not agree with the fact that I've mentioned my friend here, but I feel that this huge hearted person, who once told me "my friends are worth more than gold to me", could never be given the mentions he deserves, even if tomes were written by each of his many many friends. I will miss him very, very much.